Step 3: You will need to enter the admin password when prompted. Sudo umount /dev/driveidentifier (replace driveidentifier with the name you noted down in the previous step.) Iso Software For Mac Now unmount the drive by typing in the following command and then Enter: Step 2: This will list out all your drives so you can find the correct identifier for your USB stick. Enter the following command and then hit Enter: diskutil list Step 1: Insert a USB flash drive into your Mac and open Terminal by going to Applications > Utilities > Terminal. Follow the steps outlined below to burn ISO to USB on Mac using Terminal commands: However, remember that since ISO is not native to Apple products, you could face some issues when employing this process. It can be used for a lot of things, including issuing commands to create a bootable USB on Mac. Terminal is the default command line interface for macOS and the older Mac OS X operating systems. Part 1: How to Burn ISO to USB on Mac via Terminal You can try them out and choose one that works best in your case. So what's the recommend way to burn ISO image to USB on latest Mac computer? We list 4 ISO to USB burner software for Mac in this article. In addition, the burning tool that worked well previously might be not supported by latest macOS such as Mojave or High Serria. Some of the tools are discoutinued and some of them you found are quite complicated to use such as Terminal. Burning ISO to USB on Mac is not an easy task if you don't have access to the right tools.